- os.environ.get('USER')
- os.path.isfile(filename)
- float(a), abs(a), sqrt(a)
- lists [mutable], tuples(immutable),
- a[0:2] = [], len(a), a.append('element')
- a[1:1] = ['extra', 'fields', 'inserted', 'after 0', 'before 1']
- a.append(x) <=> a[len(a):] = [x]
- a.insert(i,x) <=> a[i:i] = [x]
- a.remove(x) # remove the first elt==x, err if not found
- a.pop(i), a.index(x), a.count(x), a.sort(), a.reverse()
- del a[i], a = [0] * 100
- Python2.3:
- sum(a, start) = start + sum(a)
- for i in range(2,10): # (use xrange for long sequences)
- for x in a[:]: # would iterate over a copy of a. needed if changes are expected for a
- if ok in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'): return True
- Default function variable evaluated only once - hence class variable
- Another function 'class' variable - \lambda form:
- def f(x, *arguments, **keywords):
- #arguments is a list of arguments, followed by a map of values
- keys = keywords.keys(), keys.sort()
- for kw in keys: print kw, ':', keywords[kw]
Functional Programming:
- filter(bool_function, sequence)
- map(function, sequence)
- reduce(function, sequence[, init_value])
- [x * y for x in range(10) if x > 3 for y in range(3)]
Sets (of unique elements):
- A=set([...]), B=set([...])
- A - B (difference), A | B (union), A & B (and), A ^ B (xor)
Dictionaries: {x: y,...}
- a.has_key(x), a.keys(), a[x], del a[x], len(a)
- a.get(x[, y]) # return a[x] if x in a, o.w. return y as default
- for x, y in a.iteritems(): # also use iterkeys() and itervalues()
- dict([(x, x * x) for x in range(10)])
- from Python2.3:
- dict.fromkeys(keys, default_value)
- a.pop(key) # returns a[key] and deletes it from a
- for i, v in enumerate(['tic', 'tac', 'toe']): (2.3)
- for q, a in zip(questions, answers):
- for x in zip(*rows): # iterates in parallel through elements of rows - yielding columns; rows (and the number of column elements) are truncated to the length of the shortest one.
- for f in sorted(set([...])):
- a is b #check if the same object (a==b) checks values, for mutables i.e.
- a"<"b==c #check if a"<"b and b==c
- sequences compared mostly naturally, with 'a'<'ab'
- comparing objects of different types illegal, but returns some result
- Always use dir(object) and help(object) to determine what attributes and functions it has
- self is not a special word, although is used mos often.
- class Derived(Base):
- def __init__(self,blah,baseblah):
- Base.__init__(self,baseblah)
Style comments:
- from foo import bar, bar should be a package, never a variable
- use exceptions rather than log+exit
- use underscore_name rather than camelCase
- single space within class, two spaces normally
- use files as iterators rather than load
Interesting modules:
- csv, timeit, bz2, datetime, ossaudiodev, pickle, cPickle, random, itertools
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